To Know:

Why Drink Custom Loose-Leaf?

1. Targeted Phytochemicals:

Green tea's catechins and L-theanine offer a well-documented cognitive boost, while chamomile's apigenin boasts anxiolytic properties. Custom blends allow you to harness these bioactive compounds strategically, crafting a blend that aligns with your specific health goals.

2. Freshness Amplified:

Pre-packaged tea bags not only use up resources we could be preserving, but also lack the fresh sourcing of our local loose leaf ingredients.

Loose leaf. Reduce your packaging. Better for the planet, fresher, and tastier, too!

3. A Ritual of Conscious Consumption:

Preparing your morning cup can be a mindful practice, a dialogue between your personal preferences and the chemical complexities of the botanical world. Each scoop, each measured step, is a deliberate act of creation, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world and your own internal landscape.

4. Embracing Individuality:

Custom blends, celebrate the uniqueness of the individual. They empower you to craft a beverage that reflects your distinct palate and can become a liquid manifestation of your personal biosignature. It's fun and cool!

Make My Blend!

To Know:

How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Loose-leaf Tea

Mix one teaspoon of dry tea with 6 ounces of hot (not boiling!) water. Cover your cup and steep. Steep times depend on the tea, but around 5 minutes is safe if you're unsure. If you'd like to strain the leaves, feel free.

Drink up!

Add extra tea if you'd like a stronger flavor.

See Our Signature Blends

To Know:

We have a Tea Supscription Service!

You can have our themed tea of the month delivered to your door each month.

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